Masterclass with Boris Eldagsen at the Eyeem HQ | June, 30th 2015

Come by EyeEm Berlin Studio Tuesday June 30 for a talk by award-winning photographer Boris Eldagsen!

Famous for creating pictures of alternate realities with nothing but the most basic elements of photography, Boris will introduce you to his work and share his approach to thinking outside the box and overcoming formal rules and mental barriers by hijacking reality, followed by a Q&A and drinks at the EyeEm Studio.

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Boris Eldagsen: Hijacking Reality

Join Boris - winner of the Prix Voies Off in Arles and several other fine art photography prizes - as he gives insights into his way of working, in which neither camera, nor location, nor model are important but the creative use of what we have at display.  

Boris photographs at night to explore the limits of depiction. Rather than exploring stories, a place or a person, he hijacks and transform the external reality, to paint a reality beyond time and space: that of the unconscious. Working in this paradoxical way, people have difficulties in attributing him to one of the existing schools of photography.

In this masterclass you'll learn how to train your eye and become conscious of your subject to enhance your creative imagination, overcome formal rules and defeat mental barriers. How is this connected to existing theories of creativity and reality? You will know after the talk.

There'll be time for questions and chilled drinks & mingling after the session. The talk is presented in cooperation with PhotoWerk Berlin.